04 October 2011

A Detailed Ignite Energy Compensation Review

By Randy Disert

Ignite is a networking company created by Stream Energy to market their services. Ignite Stream Energy is an energy service supplier based in Texas through network marketing. They sell their services by recruiting shoppers to change their current supplier to Ignite Stream Energy. The associates of ignite can gain advantage from low regular debts because Stream Energy offers a lower per KW rate in comparison to other energy suppliers in Texas, Georgia and Pennsylvania, at the same time they get to earn extra charges every time they can hire shoppers to avail of Ignite Stream Energy services.

Compensation Plan

Ignite stream Energy compensation plan allows you to earn in three ways : immediate revenue, continuing income and leadership revenue.

Instant Income

We will discuss first the instant earnings where you get quick Start bonuses. To get paid of the fast start bonus you want to join first the company and pay an one-time charge of $329 and an annual replenish-able charge of $199. Then you have a monthly charge of $24.95 for your Ignite Homesite. Now, you can avail of the quick start bonus of $100 if you enroll 4 energy accounts inside 30 days you get started. How can you do that? Your private account is one, your Homesite is the same as 2 energy accounts, so you just need to enroll one more energy account to make it 4 and get your payout.

Immediate income doesn't stop there, if you get to enroll 10 energy accounts inside sixty days after enrolling you will get an extra of $100. And if your sponsored independent associate becomes a certified Director and enroll his four energy accounts within 30 days of his or her enrollment, you will get a Business Builder Bonus of $100 more.

Residual Income

The second way to earn an income through Ignite Stream Energy is thru a monthly ongoing income. You get to earn an income monthly from paying shoppers you enrolled as well as the customers enrolled by your downlines up to five levels. The quantity of residual income you will receive depends on your leadership position but typically it is $.50.

Leadership Earnings

You can take advantage of the leadership income to unlimited levels when you get to reach their leadership positions and induct clients to become independent associates. This means that when you become a managing director, senior director and executive director and every time a new associate enters your leadership organization from your downline and she enrolls 2 Energy accounts within 30 days of their enrollment you get a leadership bonus. Leadership bonus ranges from $50-$125 dependent on your position.

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