Shared web hosting and dedicated web hosting are two of the most common web hosting plans that you will see in a hosting provider website. While each package has its fair share of benefits, dedicated servers are definitely the way to go if you want more customization. Some customers want to have more control with their operating system and server resources.
The only problem is that dedicated servers are too costly and the gap between shared web hosting and dedicated web hosting is very vast. VPS web hosting properly bridges this gap by fusing shared and dedicated features together.
About VPS Web Hosting
VPS stands for virtual private servers so these servers basically offer the environment of a dedicated server within a shared server. So the price is significantly cut down compared to dedicated hosting due it its shared nature but you won't get the speed benefits. The key feature here is stability where the shared server utilizes a special virtualization software that effectively allocates a certain amount of shared server resources to a particular account.
Think of it as a less powerful dedicated hosting solution and you won't get those collisions that you would get from shared web hosting because virtualization makes sure that the site in the server is isolated. You also won't get those instances where another website is draining too many resources to the point that other sites within the shared host suffer. With a VPS package, you get a clear idea on your specifications so you can figure out how to properly utilize them.
Common Characteristics amongst VPS Web Hosting Plans
Good VPS hosting plans come with both unlimited bandwidth and disk space which is nice for hosting large sites that target a certain audience. Bigger sites that target a large general audience are not very ideal as the site performance can slow down if there is too much traffic.
Unlike shared hosting, a VPS plan provides a remote access to your virtual environment so you can better fine-tune the different options so it works better with your site. This offers more flexibility than a standard web hosting control panel. You can do advanced administrator options such as server rebooting or modifying code if you have experience.
Specific Features to Look For
Like any type of web hosting plan, support options should take the first priority because your entire experience can be ruined if your site runs into a downtime. Tinkering with the various options in a VPS can make or break a system so it always helps to have some quick access to some phone support or live chat. All web hosting companies will promise good support so your key reference here is other customers because only they can share their true experiences.
VPS hosting options can vary so basically all you need to do is properly address your site's needs. Figure out what software you plan on using and make sure it is compatible with the specifications laid out on the VPS hosting package. You should also analyze the hardware that you are getting and see if it stacks well with the price.
Looking at multiple hosting companies that offer VPS can help you decide better. Also, be on the lookout for possible fees when setting up your site for the first time.
The only problem is that dedicated servers are too costly and the gap between shared web hosting and dedicated web hosting is very vast. VPS web hosting properly bridges this gap by fusing shared and dedicated features together.
About VPS Web Hosting
VPS stands for virtual private servers so these servers basically offer the environment of a dedicated server within a shared server. So the price is significantly cut down compared to dedicated hosting due it its shared nature but you won't get the speed benefits. The key feature here is stability where the shared server utilizes a special virtualization software that effectively allocates a certain amount of shared server resources to a particular account.
Think of it as a less powerful dedicated hosting solution and you won't get those collisions that you would get from shared web hosting because virtualization makes sure that the site in the server is isolated. You also won't get those instances where another website is draining too many resources to the point that other sites within the shared host suffer. With a VPS package, you get a clear idea on your specifications so you can figure out how to properly utilize them.
Common Characteristics amongst VPS Web Hosting Plans
Good VPS hosting plans come with both unlimited bandwidth and disk space which is nice for hosting large sites that target a certain audience. Bigger sites that target a large general audience are not very ideal as the site performance can slow down if there is too much traffic.
Unlike shared hosting, a VPS plan provides a remote access to your virtual environment so you can better fine-tune the different options so it works better with your site. This offers more flexibility than a standard web hosting control panel. You can do advanced administrator options such as server rebooting or modifying code if you have experience.
Specific Features to Look For
Like any type of web hosting plan, support options should take the first priority because your entire experience can be ruined if your site runs into a downtime. Tinkering with the various options in a VPS can make or break a system so it always helps to have some quick access to some phone support or live chat. All web hosting companies will promise good support so your key reference here is other customers because only they can share their true experiences.
VPS hosting options can vary so basically all you need to do is properly address your site's needs. Figure out what software you plan on using and make sure it is compatible with the specifications laid out on the VPS hosting package. You should also analyze the hardware that you are getting and see if it stacks well with the price.
Looking at multiple hosting companies that offer VPS can help you decide better. Also, be on the lookout for possible fees when setting up your site for the first time.
About the Author:
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