08 January 2012

Interviewing Experts for Learning and Making Money

By Derek Castro

Getting a successful interview from an expert in your niche can help you in many was as an Internet marketer, but the biggest benefit that you derive out of it is that you'll be able to get targeted content for your information product by doing so. You can research the material yourself and write it; or get it straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. So we can definitely help you out and get you on your way with the following helpful suggestions.

It is extremely helpful and appreciated that you clue your expert in on what you intend to ask about. You want to have the best product you can get, and more thoughtful and thorough answers will be the result. But you do not want to ask about just anything; you must ask pertinent questions that your niche audience members are willing to pay for. This will also help your interviewee understand in what direction you're moving and what your intention is.

Make sure you're providing real value; even this is kind of a no-brainer, it still gets ignored. The only way you can know how to ask the right questions is if you do your market research, properly. Look at it like this; what would your market audience just love to know about the subject or topic?

One thing that is extremely popular these days is the webinar format, and that is one possibility you should explore. You can add the audience questions and the expert's responses to the product which makes it more powerful. Never overlook any chance you can find to improve your offer, so just think about all that is going on with the webinar. Quite frequently these various experts will have some kind of service, or product, of their own, and you can allow that person to mention it during the webinar.

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There are literally tons of ways to create information products, and content generated from expert interviews is used by many top Internet marketers. The cool thing about this approach is that it often leads to new marketing and business opportunities after the fact. There is no shortage of experts or any decrease in the demand for expert knowledge.

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