30 April 2012

Nano Silver Water And Nano Silver Caters You Good Health

By John Tan

Before looking at the importance and characteristics of nano silver water to our body; it is essential that we examine what nano silver is.

Nano silver has been defined as pure de-ionized water, which has silver suspension. It should, therefore, be noted that nano silver is in essence water that has silver in it.

Almost eighty% of silver in this water is in the form of metallic particles while the remaining 20% is in the form of ionic particles. It's known as nano silver because; of the nano suspension it has in the water, which has also been regarded as extraordinarily stable.

Additionally it is important to note that the particles are small, which in effect maximizes the surface area of silver that's exposed in the water. This, in turn, is more effective in the body, compared to a solution that has larger particles of silver (colloidal).

Research has established that the consumption of nano silver water is extraordinarily vital for the well-functioning of the body. This is because; the water has a high percentage of silver that's in metallic form, which is good for the body. The ionic silver in the water becomes silver chloride in the bloodstream and stomach. It should be noted that silver chloride isn't as soluble as ionic silver and is, therefore, less effective.

Therefore, it's best to have more metallic particles of silver, as compared to ionic silver. It's because; the metallic particles in the nano silver water can survive the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thus, remaining effective in both the body tissues and the blood stream.

Nano silver water has an advantage of having small metallic particles, which have been proved to be more effective than the bigger particles. This is because; the small particles have a better chance of penetrating cells, tissue and capillaries as in comparison with the larger particles. The small particles will, therefore, be capable of reach the right body parts and tissue, in a short period of time, thus, being extraordinarily effective.

One other advantage that's provided by nano silver water is that it helps to fight diseases. The silver has been reported to kill micro-organisms, that are associated with so many diseases. However, it needs to be noted that taking the water does not mean that you'll automatically be cured of such illnesses. The silver is simply known to kill a few organisms that it comes into contact with. You will, therefore, still need to be examines by a physician. However, it should be noted that the water will help to fight some infections.

All in all, it ought to be noted that nano silver are silver particles that are suspended in your water. These silver particles are small and may easily be absorbed into your blood stream for varied purposes. It is better to, consult an expert, so as to establish the amount of nano silver you are allowed to consume a day.

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