29 April 2012

Outsourcing As A Corporate Business Solution

By Xander Collins

If starting a company looks easy enough, wait until you have to keep that company going and thriving at the same time. Any business owner is aware that times come when a company's daily operations get too taxing or expensive--at times even both--so much so that rethinking about the company's long term goals comes as a possibility.

But many companies have found a viable answer to this woe, and this is outsourcing. Hiring a niche company to look after a part of your operations is in fact fast transforming into a worldwide practice. But advantageous as it seems, outsourcing isn't for every single part of your business you wish to let go of.

One of the best non-core corporate business operations to outsource is accounting, and with it, taxation, payroll, auditing, and corporate secretarial services. Not that they are insignificant, but these corporate business tasks are fairly generic tasks you can entrust to other people who are as competent as, or much more competent than, your in-house accounting division.

Outsourcing will allow you to reallocate your capital without sacrificing the tasks you have outsourced in the first place. Because although these are non-core operations, these are still governed by state laws, which penalise companies which do not comply with deadlines, such as the filing of income tax returns. The submission of annual revenues is a specifically important aspect in any business, failure to comply with such leads to severe state-imposed penalties, including a big shake-up in the company's otherwise smooth daily operations.

In contrast with maintaining an in-house accounting department, outsourcing keeps you on top of your deadlines without needing to worry about them. The resources you will otherwise spend on keeping physical office spaces, employee salaries, office utility bills, and performance bonuses are now rechanneled to other projects you think need more funding. To put it simply, outsourcing refocuses your resources and allows you to spend on things that really matter to your company's development.

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