09 June 2012

Niken: How To Make Money In Niken

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Niken success seekers: Want to dominate and build a HUGE business? If you want to become a top earner, you need a promotion strategy to implement because you'll run out of friends and family to approach. You MUST learn to market! Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

- Lead

You've got to be a leader if you want to make major income in a deal like Niken. There's two ways you learn to lead:

- Modelling: Find other leaders and mimic what they do, believe and think. Do whatever it takes to identify role models you can mimic.

- Lead things. This is learning through activity, through doing. Experience is far more valuable than training.

Improve your mindset Being a leader begins inside of you. Create an internal state where nothing will stop you from achieving success.

There's going to be people in your downline who quit. Carry on and don't let their negative attitude affect you. Be an example.

Your actions speak louder than words. Each day, do what needs to be done to succeed. Talking is simple. Do the work! Teach people what to do. Do not do things for other people, instead show them what to do.

Describe to your Niken team what you do every day to create results. Send instructive emails. Assist the people in your Niken team who are getting results.

- Marketing Is More Critical Than Duplication

Traditionally, network marketers in opportunities such as Niken are taught to keep their business-building activities extremely simple and duplicatable by others Focus On Marketing More Than Duplication Traditionally, network marketers in opportunities such as Niken are taught to keep their business-building activities extremely simple and duplicatable by others in their downline..

How effective is this strategy to keep everything simple so other can duplicate it? For a very small percentage of marketers, this strategy is effective. But for the extreme majority of multilevel marketers in opportunities like Niken, keeping everything allegedly duplicatable does NOT lead to high levels of duplication.

Check out these facts:

- Only about 1 in 5 people in your Niken downline will sponsor anyone else.

- The minority of people that sponsor anyone will only ever sponsor about 2 or 3 people...ever!

- 80 percent of people in your Niken organization will sponsor zero people...that's right: zero!

In other words, the keep-it-simple approach so popular in network marketing has an 80% failure rate!

Keeping everything you do duplicatable will NOT maximize your Niken income and it also creates problems few talk about. The most popular tactic to keep things simple is warm market recruiting, making a list of friends and family and then prospecting them to try to get them to join Niken.For decades network marketers have been teaching this strategy not because it's the best but because its the most simple...but simple does not mean effective!

This strategy can actually lead to people quitting Niken. After a person runs out of friends and family to talk to about their Niken business, they often get frustrated and quit the business because they literally have NO IDEA how to do the one thing that can bring in new reps like clockwork, day in and day out: marketing and advertising. The other problem warm marketing recruiting creates is the strategy can push away the best prospects. Ideal prospects for a Niken busines, people with transferable skills and large personal and professional networks such as real estate professionals, professional salespeople, and other business people tend NOT to want to approach family and friends about their opportunity. For many professionals, their reputation is their most valuable asset, and few professionals tend to feel comfortable introducing their associates to a business opportunity with which they just got started.

So should you begin by approaching friends and family about your Niken business? Yes. But you must learn to market in order to build a real business because you WILL run out of leads. Keep in mind your highest quality prospects are going to want to implement a professionally sales and marketing approach as well. Learn to market online and you can grow a Niken business with less duplication, while you attract higher caliber prospects into your business. If just a handful of people also learn to market Niken online, you could experience massive growth in your Niken business, without relying heavily on the friends and family approach.

- Rely On Tools That Present For You

A sales tool is a recorded presentation, such as a CD, DVD or online streaming video. For many years top earners have let duplicable sales tools to do the talking for them. It's important that you also rely on sales presentation recordings.

Using recorded presentations has several benefits for your Niken business:

- You get a skilled presenter to deliver a recorded presentation for you, because top earners usually create sales tools

- There's no variety in the presentation, so you get a reliable, high quality presentation each time

- Because a tool does the presenting while you do other things, your time is leveraged

- The people you sign up can start recruiting immediately, without learning how to pitch

- Prospects who see presentation on DVD, CD or the Internet will understand they don't need to do any presenting, and your sign-up rates will increase as a result

The simplest sales tool is an online video presentation. In my business I have gotten *excellent* results using online video. If Niken doesn't have an online presentation to which you can direct prospects, ask a top producer in your upline to create one. If you're ready, you could record a presentation yourself. Rely on sales tools. You will build a larger Niken business as a result.

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