19 June 2012

Pinterest News For SEO Professionals

By Adrian Britton

Nowadays Pinterest having more popular day by day,because lots of the peoples are using Pinterest.com for making their collection viral over the internet. Basically, Pinterest is like a virtual pin board where you can organize all the pretty things that you find over the internet. Now till this point you understand "what is pinterest" but now I will revel, how can you use Pinterest in search engine optimization Perspective. It is wrong to say that pinterest is just a social bookmarking website, no pinterest stands out among the other social bookmarking websites. Pinterest having the following characteristics:

Social User Base:- Pinterest having lots of user adding pins in its interface interacting with each other. It can easily be handled by users because pinterest makes focus just on Images then anything else which makes it easy and simple. This is one of those popular websites which is used by the real peoples and tapping into what matters. As much of the user base will live there, more will be the chances of market over there. This means it is a great source of traffic for retailers.

Believe it or not but the user interface i.e where you tag up or pin the images is very user-friendly and easy to understand. This is such a nice platform for a normal user, but my friend if you are a Professional Internet Marketer you can use this platform as a SEO tool for your online business. Here SEO stands for the Search Engine Optimization. So pinterest is not just a social media...it is more than a media. In my opinion it is a big source of free traffic. Ok let me tell you some of the specific functions of pinterest. These are:

Social User Base:-Pinterest mostly deals with the Images then any thing else. At its pin board lot of users can pinch their image stuff in its user interface so that the folks can easily understand.. Now think like a marketer, because more will be the users at your pin board more will be the Traffic redirect to your website. So it is a great source of marketing, and if you don't look inside it, I am sure you will lose a big traffic from your money making system, and results lose of a big cash!!

Use all these tips that I practically experienced how to use pinterest as a SEO tool:-Set up your Profile:: Build up a Keyword Centric Profile concerning about yourself and about Business as well.Share your Pages:-It's very easy to use and very simple to understand. You should share a link but how, come to understand in the following lines.

Select an Image and pin it or tag it. Try to share multiple images at pin board and share the links, it results in more traffic redirected to you because more will be the Images, more will be the links and finally more Traffic. One more thing always create valid links other wise, Google will never give the authority to your links means no ranking.

Create Links in Your Description: This is the real force that will lead the peoples to your website. In doing this make sure when you create your links use your website url as:

www.yourdomain.com instead of using http:// as a prefix.. One more thing don't use html for anchor text. So these are the simple steps how you can promote your online business using pinterest.com

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