31 July 2012

Choosing a Perfect Network Marketing System

By Deborah Willis

Each day hundreds of folk invest their money to join a network marketing opportunity with the expectation of making some extra earnings working only one or two hours per week from home. Unfortunately by the end of roughly 3 months in business 3 quarters of these people will quit, often worse off than they started.

This is a common eventuality. It doesn't need to be like that. There is only one thing between enjoying remarkable success with network marketing or failing like those other seventy five percent, and that's the use of a straightforward network marketing system that may do almost all of the tough work for you and your downline.

Tools Are Not a Network Marketing System

Many new network marketing specialists confuse a system with a tool and it can be a dear mistake, because tools do not a system make. The truth is a system can comprise of tools. An effective network marketing system will exploit several tools, but one tool by itself can only be worthless unless it can be amalgamated into an effective system and becom part of a sequence of processes built to achieve a particular result.

As an example, your company could hand out DVDs that contain a grand display that may in itself generate interest in your product or opportunity. But if you want to give these out and not do anything more, they would be just about pointless because the idea is not only to give away free DVDs but to collect info from people who've seen these DVDs and became interested in your products and opportunity, and who wish to learn more .

A webinar event hosted by heavy hitters in the business is great as a sponsoring tool. It is going to be completely useless when offered on its own and not part of a sequence of steps which should really be taken including registration and gathering of prospects' info for follow-up.

Complete Network Marketing System Example

A system is a sequence of sequential steps designed to cause a desired result. A good network marketing system for lead generation, for example, may include 12 steps, and if lead generation is being done online, these steps may be taken:

A target audience must be identified by using categorical tools to investigate that market, and those folks ought to have a wish for your service or opportunity. For example, "retired salespeople".

Use search site keyword research tools to figure out the exact words, phrases and idioms utilised by the selected niche when in the marketplace for your type of product, service or opportunity. ( E.g, "part-time Internet jobs" )

With the employment of tools you then should figure how many webpages, articles, ads, and blog entries are competing for these particular search terms, and then a term or keyword selected that may have the highest possibility of success.

Write or outsource the writing of an information problem / solution article.

Articles should be submitted to article directories or submitted to services that will pass out the articles to many article directory websites immediately.

Promote article by pinging url, social bookmarking and securing back links.

This shows the steps that are contained in a complete online network marketing system, it is a series of steps built to produce a desired result. In this example these steps have been taken to get a new webpage to rank in the search website results pages, using keywords that are aimed specifically at a target audience. When the system is followed the result will be a flood of carefully targeted traffic to your website where you would also have in place another series of steps, or system to gain the interest of your potential prospects, which should lead them to opt in and receive more information about your product or opportunity.

Network Marketing System A Turnkey Approach

One of the fastest ways to take your business to the next level is to find and use completely integrated network marketing system proved to produce the result you are looking for. But ensure you aren't only investing in yet another tool without a system for using the tool efficiently. Here is the system we suggest.

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