02 November 2012

How Uniforms Can Build Team Spirit

By Pamela Green

Working on your own is a true feat. It's something that you can truly be proud of. Nonetheless, it's more fun to accomplish things with others. And sometimes, you don't have a choice. You have to work with others because it's what your job demands. Though not everybody is a team player, they can work with others given the circumstances. You can make everyone like it by making them feel a part of the team and making them look the part.

It would help build team spirit if all members look the part. People are more likely to do things by themselves if they are not comfortable with their teammates. But group projects require teamwork, which would be a problem if they are not naturally team players. There's nothing you can really do about their mindset, but you can make them relax to the idea. One way to do so is to create a team identity and make everyone a part of it.

You can give everyone a uniform with the team's name and the member's name printed on it so they can associate themselves with the team. The uniforms doesn't need to be a formal wear but just a t-shirt or a jacket that they can put on during group meetings or during casual days. Uniforms, even though some people think it's corny, in fact help keep the team spirit alive. The polo shirt or jacket would make them feel that they are part of the group and that they need to work hard with everyone else to help their team succeed. And when their team thrives, they're also making themselves proud.

Some people think that after they have finished their part, they are finished with their duty. After all, everybody needs to do their part in order for a team project to be successful. In a way that's practical, but not efficient when it comes to group assignments. Although it's correct that each one has their part to do, their work doesn't end there. They also must get involved with the overall goal of the team. And if that means that they must help out others complete their tasks, they would have to do exactly that for the good of the team.

Team members should know that they're working as a group and not as individuals. Uniforms can serve as reminder that they belong to an exclusive team. A polo shirt or a jacket can be a reminder that they should step up if the team needs them. It can promote team spirit and help make the team members be in the mood for teamwork.

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