07 November 2012

Strategies To Grow Your ACN Profits

By Eduardo Kooliantra

ACN reps.: Do you want to know what it takes to become a top earner? If you seek to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business.. It's imperative you master the basics of marketing- like any real business I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Use the Phone To Grow Your Income

Connect with your leads by telephone. This is one of the fastest ways to boost your ACN income. Business owners in companies such as ACN often forget the fundamentals when they start marketing online. Few marketers call their leads. When you call your leads you impress them. Don't hide behind your computer. Pick up the phone!

What you think about and feel emotionally will influence your phone skills. Your prospects will pick up on your energy, so you must have a strong mindset and project great energy. These things can reduce your level of influence:

- Weak self esteem

- Wanting to hide the fact you're in network marketing

- Making excuses such as too little time or money

It's important that you act with excellent posture. Posture is an inner knowing you will be successful, you deserve success, and you have what it takes to assist your prospects. Several elements contribute to having good posture in your business:

- Upbeat, success-oriented beliefs

- Belief in your own skills and ability to thrive in business

- An abundance of leads you can expose to your ACN opportunity

If you are in lead poverty, each lead will seem super critical. You'll begin to get tense about each call, and communicate this nervous energy to your prospects. When you have many leads, you will tend to feel more confident. Your energy and posture will project much more favorably to your prospects.

Reach out to your leads by phone. Ask what they are looking for. Listen. Learn to close your prospects over the phone.

- Be At The Live Events

Showing up at company and industry events is one of the most critical things you can do to grow your ACN venture. Live events are meetings, workshops and conferences where people promoting ACN or other opportunities get together.

When you attend live events, you'll gain three major advantages:

- Learning New Things: Top producers and trainers will teach you new skills and concepts at live events. Your recruiting, closing and business building skills will get better.

- Networking: At live events you will meet like-minded people growing a ACN business or other business. You will make some amazing new friends. You can also develop joint venture alliances and other partnerships.

- Mindset Development: Live events will help you fashion the mentality of a top producer. This is by far the biggest benefit. Meeting people your age who are a lot like you, except they are wildly successful in ACN or another business, is very inspiring. Your belief in yourself will grow.

Top producers are born at live events. Some people think it's not necessary to be at live events. They're the ones who always say, I can't afford it. Not surprisingly, these are the same people who never seem to make money.

Top earners are usually people who started going to live events when they barely had enough money to eat. Attending live events are absolutely vital if you want to be successful in your business. So do you want to be a top producer? Or someone who never makes money?

- Lead Others

To build a successful ACN business, you must be a leader. There's two ways you learn to lead:

- Learn from other leaders. Find role models who are top producers. Get out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to the people you want to model.

- Learn through doing. Adopt leadership roles and follow through. Webinars and other trainings can never replace true experience.

Strengthen your mindset Being a leader begins inside of you. Strengthen your frame of mind so you succeed despite obstacles.

Some people in your downline will complain and quit. You've got to persist and never let these people impact your energy or results. Lead by example

People are going to look at your actions and results, not just listen to your words. Adopt the daily routine of a top producer. Talking is simple. Take action. Be a teacher and show others how to succeed. Don't do things for them.

Express to your ACN organization what it is you do to create results. Teach at live events. Help the people in your ACN business who are creating results.

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