13 March 2012

The Development of a Safety, Health, and Environment Policy

By Jimm Kerr

Any company which can embody a sense of duty to the public will make a definitive commitment to safety, health, and the environment in a manner which can be properly viewed, tested, and verified by any parties who are serious interested in doing so and this remains in effect whether information is requested by staff members, customers, or even to the general public. The desire to operate and exist in a manner that pays adheres to the notion environmental and safety issues must be made public and then properly adhered to is the hallmark of a truly safety conscious company.

The company must make sure that they are able to maintain documented systems as well as processes which work towards adhering ot all laws and regulations which are relevant to all operations. By doing this, they will be able to ensure they are properly committed to a SHE Policy (safety, health, and environment policy) which is credible, public, and maintained.

The SHE policy will deliver the following when implemented:

1. Workplace Related Safety

The physical safety of employees should always be of great concern to employers. A company must always hold fast to this principle in order to avoid problems associated with workplace injuries and also to prevent environmental hazards. Thanks to this view, they may be able to ensure they can strive to increase employee safety for all staff members outside of normal working hours.

2. Environmental Protection and Responsibility

The company can make certain that actions that will prevent harmful emissions are prioritized. They must understand that these harmful emissions pose the most significant threat when it pertains to the core values of the SHE policy. Because of this stance it becomes a priority to report what their environmental impact or footprint is, not only to those relevant authorities, but also to the public at large thus ensuring a measure of transparency sorely lacking in many other companies and in many other industries.

3. Natural Resources

The company should also makes it a priority to not waste or wantonly abuse our already overburdened and precious natural resources including:

* Oil

* Gas

* Water

4. Commitments to Enhanced Improvements

A responsible company will adhere to the SHE policy always ensures it is their prerogative and responsibility to not just evaluate their personal conduct as far as reducing risks and environmental impact is brought through equipment and operations, they will also to take steps enhance conduct at all times when it is apparent such an approach would be the best thing to do. The company's management officers will have properly committed themselves to bear SHE policy aspects in mind even during the early stages of development, while also committed to proper analysis to as to address areas of concern.

5. Commitment to Dealing with Society in Emergencies

The company that adheres to the safety, health, and environmental policy is able, by virtue of the policy, to offer their knowledge and expertise to society so that they are able to be ready in order to handle emergency situations, thereby showing their concern for, and commitment to, public safety.

6. To Be Transparent

By ensuring transparency and a willingness to communicate a company is able to ensure that they establish a good working relationship with all relevant parties and individuals, clearly indicating their sincere commitment with regards to safety, health, and environmental policy concerns and issues. In fact, the company should expect nothing less from those with whom they work as well, whether these are contractors or even employees. This compliance should actually a prerequisite for any contracts entered into with outsiders or employees.

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